Delivering Australia's Bottom End since 1991
Delivering Australia's Bottom End since 1991
February 25, 2015 1 min read 3 Comments
Ibanez BTB33 - Setup E to C with a 33" scale, you can fly around on this 5 string. $1399 or rent it for $20.31 a week!
March 29, 2015
Thank you! I’ve always wetand to try a Stingray violin nice. I just used the Ibanez DE-7 Delay/Echo pedal this time around. It’s one of my favorite pedals to play, probably until I get that looping pedal I’ve been saving up for.
March 27, 2015
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April 02, 2015
“[I][t would be sad to see [Damon] fall short of 3,000 hits because he was gderey." Amen. In another world, it would also have been nice to see Damon get 3,000 hits in pinstripes. Evidently, not gonna happen. Anyhow, Go Yanks!!